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How it all began and what it offers...


Think policy is a complex subject? Unsure about how to get your voice heard? Not confident about your policy-making processes?

No matter what your fears and beliefs are, notwithstanding your current stage of policy engagement, Simplistically will help you improve your understanding of policy and policy making. Terms and processes will be simplified- using analogies and current examples where possible, with the hope that it will empower you to have a stronger voice and representation in shaping policies that affect your life, family, livelihood and community. 


How it all begin ...

Simplistically was inspired by a group of university students from amongst the lowest-income households in Sabah, one of Malaysia's poorest states. 


I was giving a presentation on policy and policy-making, with the objective of convincing these young adults about the need to be policy-literate and demonstrating the impact policies have on their lives, such as love for K-Pop and online games. Hell, I read the audience wrongly! They need no convincing. 


What they needed was a shift in their limiting beliefs and mindset that policy and policy-making is complex, policy-making is only for the intelligent and affluent, their voices are weak and unimportant, and most concerning - they are rarely well represented. 


I hear similar challenges when conversing with businesses (especially small and medium enterprises) as well as close friends too. 


Hence, Simplistically was developed with the intention of educating, empowering and inspiring people to be informed on, participate in and influence the process of policy making.


I believe that the best way to make the world a fairer, sustainable and better place to live is through responsible, inclusive and evidence-based policy-making. To achieve this, people need to be involved in shaping policies that affect their lives, family, livelihood and community. The more people become aware of the opportunities they have to shape policies, even in small ways, the better it ends for everyone. 

What it offers ...

Simplistically is here to help you Speak Up! and Stand Up! with tips, tools and techniques to shape policies. Where possible, complex terms and processes will be simplified and explained using analogies and examples. These should provide you with sufficient knowledge, and most importantly, the confidence to voice and represent your thoughts as well as interests in carving policies that are responsible for the needs and concerns of your life, family, livelihood and community. 

Rounds and Circles

Hi! I'm Adelene


I'm an economic policy adviser by day and an aspiring entrepreneur and blogger by night. In between, I juggle being a mother of two young children and a bull terrier, a filial daughter, a responsive and supportive friend and an inspiration and role model to people I meet. Deep in my veins is the passion towards making the world a fairer, safer and happier place for everyone to live in. When left on my own, I enjoys...

Crime fiction

Alternative rock, jazz & classical

Travelling (light)

Trying new food

Being out in nature

Exploring new places & cultures

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